Sylvia Resilience
Margaux: "Since I started TRE with Sylvia, not only my mind-body connection has grown, but also my resilience and inner strength. I remember the first tremors as a new and light sensation, something 'quite unusual in my body that I've never When I let go, at the end of the first session, I could feel my body completely relaxed and my mind completely at peace, both free from tension. with me, all the anxiety, frustration and doubts seem to be With practice these tremors would only get bigger, like waves rolling through my lower body For me, TRE is a unique and different way of me melt away and feel connected to my body.”
Anna: “I was lucky enough to meet Sylvia through a mutual friend. Less than 30 minutes after talking to her and hearing she was a TRE therapist, we scheduled my first appointment. I was not in the best place at the time. Emotionally or physically. I had just started smoking again, had very low energy and my overall mood was low. I also hadn't done yoga in months. I guess you could say I was in the middle of a lower level depressive episode - something I didn't expect my treatment with Sylvia to shake me up, but I was keen to give it a try. Sylvia came over to my house and started walking me through the sequence of exercises that lead to the final pose that triggers the tremor/tremors. I was skeptical of the “shake” happening on its own and thought it was something I was going to have to physically do myself. But it wasn't - the tremor happened completely independently of me. It was pretty amazing to see my body “doing its thing”. I didn't have to identify my trauma or communicate anything to Sylvia (what a relief, after years of confusing therapy sessions). I could just trust that my body would release whatever it needed. And it did.
The way I felt afterwards blew me away. I felt like the “passages” inside my body were cleared. I hadn't even realized they were crowded before but the feeling of spaciousness in my body was remarkable. And the immediate effect it had on my physical and mental well-being was incredible. I felt like I had been doing yoga regularly for 3 months. And my mind “worked” again. I have never experienced such marked results from a treatment before. For me, the results were really immediate and remarkable. And that was just my first session. Imagine what could be released after several sessions? The idea is to continue the practice, first with a therapist, then finally alone. I call it a “practice” because I truly believe that TRE is something we should all “practice” regularly. Because we never stop collecting trauma. Therefore, we must never stop facilitating their release. In the same way, we wash a swimming pool or clean the dirt accumulated inside with a vacuum cleaner.
SYLVIA AS THERAPIST Sylvia was the perfect 'body facilitator' - I call her that because it really felt like she was there to observe, communicate and facilitate the process of releasing trauma from my body - something my body had been conditioned to delete. She closely watched every movement of my body and guided my body expertly and discreetly. I found her presence calming yet strong, and her delivery of therapy incredibly concise and harmonious. It's almost like she's not in the room with me – that's how present she was with my body. I have since spoken with friends who have recently done TRE, their experiences were not as profound as mine and I feel quite lucky to have crossed paths with Sylvia as I truly believe she is a TRE therapist gifted. I will continue to use his services because the effects of the treatment (2 months later) are still with me. I even quit smoking! I am so grateful for both the treatment and the practitioners who make its profound effects available to the public. A big thank-you. "
Marie: "I am someone who is quite anxious, who keeps everything inside and who inevitably has difficulty expressing my emotions. I have tried in various ways to calm my anxieties and recently also the symptoms of my IBS After trying NLP, meditation, writing..., I discovered TRE thanks to Sylvia and I thank her so much!That's when I realized that it's not just the mind "healing". This unusual method, unknown at first, is simply excellent. felt the benefits of the first group session. Sylvia is very attentive, competent and compassionate towards us. I even manage to practice alone at home. These tremors are what our body needs to express, to release. This method is beneficial for everyone. a remedy that has no chemical formula or addiction. It will do you the greatest good. Thanks again to Sylvia for this wonderful discovery that she was kind enough to share with m oh. "